Forging the Next Generation of Saints
"And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction." - Malachi 4:6
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!" - Mark 12:30
“Boys need to be initiated, or they will burn the town down just to feel the heat!” - Proverb
"I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth!" - 3 John 4:1
The average age a child rejects his faith in his heart is…13! That rejection doesn’t usually show until age 22. (stat from "Family Conquest")
In addition to the impactful environments of encounter that we architect above (click the images for details of each), we have intentional, private gatherings such as "Father/Son Formation Fridays" (at St Gabriel Academy), Father/Daughter Rock Climbing and Father/Son Movie Night, Pro Sports, Paintball and FUTBALL! We train and encourage dads to compliment the Public Environments (above) and private gatherings by investing in their sons through an individualized Journey to Manhood with their son (s).
To connect with some of the private, epic environments and to get plugged into this "Fatherhood Foundry" COR with dads intentionally building up their sons, please contact Rob and Eric (key leaders of this initiative): and
All glory be to God, Inferno is grateful to have had a successful inaugural R.O.P.E. in June of 2024. ROPE means “Rite of Passage Experience”. It was discovered early on that this is NOT just a 1-time thing. This will not be a box to check or obstacle to overcome; this will be a journey to begin, a process to start, a community to enter into and draw from and an experience to be lived.Starting in 2022, Inferno leadership pursued God's call for this initiative and teamed up with experts such as Craig Glass (Speaker, Experienced Men's Ministry Leader and Author of, "Passage to Manhood"), Grove Higgins, Fr Chance Billmeyer and Joe Trector. Numerous dads contributed, but eventually it was 15 courageous Father/son duos who entered this ROPE weekend at Bear Trap Ranch for an unforgettable weekend of adventure, challenge, testimony, formation and ceremony. Everyone was impacted, sharpened and forged into a better, more masculine, authentic, holier version of themselves. Each dad contributed powerful, personal stories centered around the theme of the weekend: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!" - Mark 12:30Each son was participated through small group discussion, content application, overcoming adversity and engagement in the process. Bonds were strengthened and forged through fellowship, prayer, sacraments and solidarity! By the grace of God, a highly impactful and critical initiative was tried and tested; ROPE has been launched and this community of fathers with their sons continues to grow through the battle of sainthood together!Be a part of the adventure with us – join the ROPE community of men on this heroic mission with their sons TODAY!
This COR Community of Men intentionally investing into the next generation of saints is not a Program; it is not a box to check or event to show up to - it is men on mission! Here are some resources that we've learned from together as iron sharpens iron:
"The Intentional Father" (A practical guide to raise sons of Courage and Character)
​"Boys to Men" (The transforming power of Virtue)
"Raising a Modern Day Knight" (A father's role in guiding his son to authentic manhood)